Fines Information
This information is intendend for individuals and businesses located abroad who have received an administrative sanction from the Municipal Police of Firenze.
The Municipal Police entrusted the company Safety21 spa under a specific contractual agreement, with the management of certain aspects of the sanctioning procedure, as better specified in the header of the fine you received.
Information and instructions for paying fines from abroad.
Violations of the Highway Code and other offences recorded by the Municipal Police of Firenze
It is possible to pay fines on this website by credit card. Online payments are processed through the Xpay-Nexi system that can apply its own fees on the amount written on the fine.
For further information over the fine and payment method, use the following link:
ATTENTION. In compliance with current privacy regulation, the recipient of the fine can view the photographic evidence supporting the alleged violation by clicking on the link provided.
Communications management
For Further information, you contact us:
For communications: +39 055 0353400 Email:
You can contact our offices by phone Monday to Friday, from 8,30 to 17,30, Saturday from 08,30 to 13,30 /CET) number +39 055 0353400 The information is available in the followuing languages IT-FR-EN-DE-ES-PT-NL-RO-CZ
Pronto Intervento e Emergenze
Per le situazioni in cui si renda necessaria la presenza della Polizia Municipale
Per segnalazioni di incidenti stradali gravi, blocchi della circolazione, immediato pericolo e grave rischio per la pubblica incolumità
Contact Center - 055 055
Per info telefoniche riguardanti la Polizia Municipale
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