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Lunedì 9 Settembre 2024

Tourist help

There are special groups within the police force that consist of specialized staff and that deal with particular issues. They include:

  • Police who deal with business, tourism and anything else requiring authorization by the administration;
  • Police who protect the environment;
  • Police who deal with local government taxes and fees;
  • Anti Urban Decay sector that checks illegal campsites, settlements, resident permits, etc.

    Fine payment abroad

    Street Code violations and all the other different violations verified by the Municipal Police of Florence
    On portal you can pay by Credit Card VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS; the online payment is made by the ShopIn.Net system, guarantee by the CR Bank Group of Florence.
    In this way it will be possible to controll later, within a period of 12 months, the result of the translation by using the appropriate ticket released by the system.
    This TICKET will be given during the confirmation of inserted data and it will be optionally send by e-mail.
    In case of an inferior amount typed by mistake instead of the one written on the fine, it will be possible to complete the whole payment by a next transaction referring to the same fine.
    For any other problem or information you may contact the following in e-mail address

    Management of Reports for Administrative Violations Against People Residing Abroad
    The service of international notification of administrative violations issued by the Municipal Police of Florence to citizens/companies residing abroad as well as the processing of data received from car rental companies and all activities related to the correct execution of the sanctioning proceeding are entrusted from 13 june 2019 to Multiservizi Srl/Safety21 Spa.

    Multiservizi/Safety21 spa will respond to requests for information, in relation to notifications of administrative violations sent abroad, via e-mail,, or by phone 0039 0763 616514 from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 17.30. There will also be an office located in Florence via Ponte alle Mosse 98 / C red from Mon to Fri 8.30am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 5.30pm.


    Pronto Intervento e Emergenze

    Per le situazioni in cui si renda necessaria la presenza della Polizia Municipale

    Per segnalazioni di incidenti stradali gravi, blocchi della circolazione, immediato pericolo e grave rischio per la pubblica incolumità


    Contact Center - 055 055

    Per info telefoniche riguardanti la Polizia Municipale

    Accesso veloce

    città di firenze
    Comune di Firenze
    Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria
    50122 FIRENZE
    P.IVA 01307110484

    Amministrazione Trasparente: I dati personali pubblicati sono riutilizzabili solo alle condizioni previste dalla direttiva comunitaria 2003/98/CE e dal d.lgs. 36/2006